Annual Fund

Annual Fund

In order for The Sage School to continue to deliver our exceptional academic program for gifted students, the school must seek additional financial support beyond tuition revenue.  Our primary method of fundraising is through contributions to our Annual Fund. The Annual Fund directly supports school operations, providing classroom resources, professional development for faculty, and funding general campus improvements. At Sage, it is our single most important vehicle for covering the gap between tuition and the actual costs of educating a Sage student.

Each year, we ask for our community to consider giving to the fullest extent possible. However, whatever the level of giving, your participation is incredibly valued by Sage and speaks volumes to a community in full support of our mission and vision. By calling upon Sage’s current and past families, alumni, grandparents, employees, trustees, and business partners we have been able to bring gifted education to new heights and make learning inspiring again for the brightest young minds!

To learn more about the many ways to extend financial support to The Sage School, visit the Make a Donation page.

Annual Report 2019-2020
Annual Report 2020-2021
Annual Report 2021-2022
Annual Report 2022-2023

Take a moment to review our most recent Annual Report 2023-2024 below.