Grades 5-8

Grades 5-8

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As students progress into the higher grades at Sage, the goal of our program is to inform and inspire, to allow students to find their voice and passion, to help students demonstrate the mastery of their skills and attributes, to celebrate the interdisciplinary connections, and to gain ownership of their learning. Our advanced curriculum is typically a few years ahead of other middle school programs. Students learn in either small flexible groups that offer support and provide challenge, and they have weekly opportunities to debate, design, experiment, or present in front of their whole class. Starting in Grade 6, students begin taking Latin, as well as study computer science (programming, circuitry, web design, digital citizenship). In the arts, fifth and sixth graders participate in weekly grade-level classes of visual and performing arts and music, as well as choose elective courses to take twice a week. All students use portable technology in our 1:1 program. We focus on the development of skills and habits necessary for success in secondary school and beyond while consistently engaging our students in a challenging curriculum.

Through shared engagement with peers in a challenging, yet developmentally-appropriate setting, early adolescents at Sage feel comfortable with their talents at a vulnerable time in their development. The Sage School’s thoughtful advisory program, travel away from campus, small student-teacher ratio, afterschool programming, inherent opportunities for leadership.  Indeed, our graduates attend some of the most prestigious independent schools in New England and outstanding public high schools.

In these years, students are encouraged to think systematically and to draw connections within a given discipline or across disciplines. While there are many opportunities to practice these skills daily, our pride is the STEAM Expo, an interdisciplinary long-term project, planned and executed by faculty from all the departments – STEM, Humanities, Arts and Languages. Throughout two tri-mesters, students build upon the experiences and the skills acquired during their earlier years at Sage.