Sage Difference

Sage Difference

Everything we do is guided by one simple mission – to encourage our diverse community of gifted students to engage in academic challenges, nurture their love of learning, and cultivate their humanity so they can serve, inspire, and create impact.

For over a century, researchers have consistently concluded that gifted learners flourish in an educational environment suited to their unique abilities. Yet, in standard educational systems, gifted children are widely underserved. In many states, educating gifted children simply is not a priority. That is why for nearly 30 years, families have brought their children to The Sage School. Gifted education is our specialty.

An Interdisciplinary Approach

The Sage School was delivering its curriculum using an interdisciplinary approach long before it was popular to do so. We have always taught a classical curriculum; however, we know that the key for students to learn comprehensively is to understand a concept or theory and apply it across all disciplines, diving deep into content. We do not teach in silos.

Wherever possible, our teachers find ways for themes and subject matters to share the spotlight in multiple areas. Younger students who have studied insect anatomy in science learned how to say the parts of the insect body in Spanish, and then engineered their own protective insect bodies during their STEAM classes. Middle School students who learned about the Civil Rights Movement in humanities studied literature and speeches from that era and later traveled together to Alabama to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge where peaceful demonstrators were met with violence. It is our goal to expand and intertwine academic perspectives – whether it is a hands-on science experiment, a Socratic discussion, a lively debate over mathematical strategies, or collaboration on a theater performance – and to inspire students to always see things through a diverse lens to maximize their experiences and explore endless possibilities in the world.


Experienced Teachers Trained in Gifted Education

Students doing a hands-on activity in computer science class.
Students doing a hands-on activity in computer science class.

At Sage, learning is an active experience. Our teachers are passionate about what they teach. They take great pride in knowing the students who sit in front of them each day and appreciate their learning strengths and styles. Gifted students have a great capacity to understand and to question.

Sage teachers fully anticipate and enjoy the questions from their classes, giving ample time for required lessons and indulgent exploration. Our faculty is prepared to challenge even the most advanced young minds but also help them discover new interests, and help to master them as well.

A Community of Peers

Here, it is both fun and cool to be smart. There is nothing better for a child than the feeling of ‘fitting in.’ Having exceptional academic talents doesn’t always make that easy. The Sage School is the place where really great kids – who just happen to be very bright – meet other great children just like them.

Sage is a game-changer for gifted children. Finally, they can relax as they share their specific interests, favorite books, math awards, science experiments, and musical instruments with great appreciation and respect from their peers. You can be a tremendous athlete who also is an amazing math student or an amazing dancer who plans to be a biochemist. The Sage community includes intellectual peers with whom your child can find much in common and have lots of fun while doing it.

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